Monday, May 10, 2010

Which one is You?

This blog has been copied over from my dear friend subrata saharia. And the characters mentioned here are the 3 ingenious bastards of the trical branch (sapta, subrata and me).

So one more weekend..Times flying like hell..whatever...

The aforementioned characters are purely fictional and doesn't bear resemblance to anyone alive or dead...if someone finds it otherwise , its is a matter of pure coincidence.

How does a fresher spend his newly earned income..the feeling of being empowered to spend at will is really m listing down a few different kinds of spenders..i ve observed lately..

Mr Y gets up early in the morning so that he doesnot miss the breakfast for which he has already paid , even if that means compromising on his soon as he gets on the road , his face is gloom cast , as concerns of auto fare plagues his frugal mind, still he hires an auto nevertheless as he calculates that , hiring it with two of his other friends wont be that costly after all..

As soon as he reaches office he gets tortured by thoughts that his colleagues might get better hike nexxxt year...for which he remains insecure in office now itself...

He is not comfortable at learning things from others as he feels that might make him small ...he will pretend to know....and will try to learn on his own..(which is not a bad thing at all, but whats wrong if someone is willing to share his knowledge..)

At lunch even if the food is shit , he would eat his plate clean as his office has a monthly deduction on food....while returning back Mr Y would restrain from all attractions of fast food etc as he has paid for dinner already...and he has to wait starving till then...Calculations and again calculations...

Every time on an auto Mr Y would calculate how much he has to pay by dividing the fare amongst his friends...each cigarette he smokes...and each time he eats outside( which is a rarity ..)..he would maths out the expense to the last penny....if he conceives even a pence of mismatch he would feel betrayed..negative emotions ..flood his mind

Every coin has two sides..he would see only the dark side ..and inflict pain on himself..for such cheap atttitude..which he knows is cheap but by nature cant avoid..and cant express ..

His life has only one motive to save and save and again save...(for what, for whom..??...even he might not know..)
Mr X is another character who does his share of calculations for the month...and tries to live by it..he would avoid an auto whenever he can , but wont mind hiring it...

His life is not bound by the chains of cheap calculations and by the rules of money...he would eat, drink whatever he feels like....and wont eat if it sucks...even if money is deducted monthly for it...

While he loves to pay for his and his friends cigarettes, ..he ofcourse will mind if the other guy aint ever buying him one in return....

At work he concentrates on his work but remains aware of the competition which is at large at every corner...he will make sure to speak out if he finds himself being exploited...and knows the rules to get things done , adopting whatever is the best strategy..

His plans are in place for the future and he works towards acheiving those...Mr X is open to sharing knowledge and learning stuff from others...he knows his limitations...and knows what he can and what he cant...

Mr Z has a different view of life altogether...he lives for the present...calculations...wait!!..what calculations...?...theres nothing called that in his dictionary...he lives an utopian life where he is the king..bound by no concerns and worries..but not without responsibilities...which he knows and adheres to well...

He always prefers bus for him in his entire life...if he is with his friends , then they wont have to worry as all financial dealings will be borne by it fares or food or cigarettes...thats not a concern for him..(ofcourse...only if that is within his limits..)...he has a heart of gold...and wont mind otherwise.

He will accomplish all his desires ..and wont wait for the right time to come..if required he will plunge himself into the quick sand of credit card to meet his dreams..even if the expenses are far beyond his income...

He always relies on others to learn ..lazy...but has the potential to outshine anyone..

His friends rely on him they know he will never betray their trust..and he never does...

Ofcourse leading this kind of a life , he would see his share of problems which he tackles with shrewdness...whatever be the situation he will find a way out.....lucky ...the hand of unknown grace always lie on his head...he pets impulse..and he drives enthusiasm..positive feelings abound in him..


The competition is now between these three characters...who will win ultimately ?....who do u think will win..?...

And who do u think u are..? X ? Y? or Z?

Rust dusty weekends

I usually don’t blog on this site, but still felt like adding a new post to it (Don’t know why)

Before I start off, here is what happened over the week which is related to the weekend.

We all had a plan to go for a movie on Friday night. And one of the crazy dear friend of mine chose “Housefull” (who watches/ choses to watch such movie.... I mean come on). I begged everybody that lets watch Iron Man 2 (totally awesome movie) instead of this.

But who would listen after watching the “O dhanno” video on all the bollywood music chanels (even I was convinced…. :D). So I booked Housefull Friday night show and Iron Man 2 Saturday afternoon show. The difference between the two groups attending the two shows is that: “Housefull” has two couples and me. Iron Man 2 had me, my college buddy (now engaged but still can’t stay away from girls) a bong friend whom I invited(and has a car) and one of the couples from last night.

So, here is how it goes. Everything was in place until I realized that I was the “kebab mein haddi”. Suddenly I thought that I should drop off the plan as being the odd one out along with two other couples would be totally disastrous. It was 3 pm and I was at office, so I told everybody that I might be late as I have some US calls and gave them some BS reason. And I could see the happiness on their face although they tried to convince me by saying.. “nautanki mat kar” but that was just for formality. Now it was 7.30 pm and I was all determined to not to go for the movie. One final look at the ticket and I thought “gaye mere 160 rs paani mein. :’( ”. But, sometimes this green paper doesn’t seem to get past my head. I decided, that I’ll go for the movie and would not talk to any one (as I was feeling pretty low that day) and come back early. I was about to leave for home at 8’ish pm and then a call from one of the females out of the two couples came to my cell. I was very much adamant on having dinner at Asal but she somehow convinced me (by using the word chicken) to have dinner with them. I confirmed that we’ll have dinner together.

This was the beginning of a bad weekend. Because by the time I reached home, the lights were out and over that my friend’s house was locked where I was supposed to meet my friend and his gf. I thought that they might have gone out for some reason and will be back soon. As I waited for them to come back, I understood that, this innocent mind of mine couldn’t decipher the ditching nature of people. I was lame enough to trust them. That’s…it…. !!! I went to Hot Roti’s and had my dinner. By this time it was 9.35 pm and the show was gonna start at 10. After losing all hopes of watching the movie, I called up my friend and asked him about his whereabouts (bloody ditching couple.. :@). He informed me that he has taken the tickets and enquired why haven’t I left from my place yet. I didn’t want to answer him so I told him that “I don’t think I would be able to make it to the movie. Please carry on without me.”. He said “aaja.. jaldi se.. pahunch jayega”. I gave it a thought and suddenly I realized that my back seat was empty and so I could play with my bike all I want. In next 2 mins I was roaring my bike on the road and riding my way through the traffic. Somehow, I made it to the show 10 mins late. I went to take my seat and saw that I am the only one watching the show out of the group of 5 ppl. After 10 mins (i.e 20 mins after the movie started) both the couples came in and kept their precious asses on their seats.

How bad can it go anymore, the movie can’t be that bad with deepika padukkone and lara dutta. But to my surprise I was already having a headache by the time the interval was announced. Being a guy, the only thing which I was able to enjoy in that movie was the Oh Dhanno song (awesome), and the chics in bikinis. In addition to the excruciating mental pain, the female of the couple sitting beside me was a bit annoying. Although, I was being guarded by my friend but still the voice of that female was pretty pinching to my ears and it was hard for me to ignore that. After realizing that “mera gande se katt gaya hai” I thought of escaping out of the situation. I did this by leaving for my home as soon as possible and falling into any of their stupid after show plans. But (there is always a butt….) , on my way back home it started raining suddenly and I got all drenched up by the time I reached home.

Thatshow my Friday ended when I crashed on to my bed peacefully, hoping for a better Saturday. I woke up at 11 am when the reminder in my lappy for the 2 pm movie shrieked at the peak of its volume. Somehow, I woke everybody up and told them to get ready, which forced me to brush my teeth (which I don’t do on weekends. :D). And BAAMMM!!!!... on my face.. No water.. “Apppppaaaaaaaa Raoo…!!!... teri maa ki” I shouted like anything. (Appa Rao is the caretaker cum watchmen of our apartement). Somehow I had to finish up my morning “tasks” with a bucket of water which is stored for times like this. Now, this bong female called me up and it was brought to my notice that I don’t have time to have lunch. So, I and my clg buddy skipped the lunch and went for the movie directly. The movie is just amazingly good. It had everything starting from humor to good action to nice effects. In the 1st half, this college buddy was sitting beside me and was doing his usual flirting/flaunting tricks on the females and I watched the movie peacefully as I wanted it to be. But after the interval this bong female swapped places with him, I thought that this is the end of me watching this movie properly. But, the movie was so damn good that I didn’t respond to any of the comments/calls made to me in middle of the movie and I was bloody damn satisfied in the end. Whaadddaaa. Show…..!!!.. (this was the good only thing which happened to me over the weekend). The female in the couple had to go to ofc for some reason so the couple left and we were left in the middle of nowhere deciding what to do next. I was literally starving as I didn’t had food since last 19 hrs and same was the condition with my friend but this bong female was perfectly fine as she took meals at proper times. I took the lead and made some plans which included her shopping for some jewelry and us having some food at some restaurant nearby. We didn’t eat much as we thought that we would take a proper meal during dinner.

5.15 we were at home. Thought of cleaning up my room (as my roomie has finally left and I am all alone in that room). After a bit of cleaning up task I thought of going out as staying inside the house at 6 pm was a crime for me. To my astonishment, my sandals were gone…. Whoooshh… !!! I understood that it was the dear work of one my missing roommates. So I dropped the idea of going out. And went back organizing my room…. Well.. I again got this urge of going out ( can’t help I have a mania) so I was again on my feet to go out wearing some other floaters or something…. Butt.. fate and destiny played the dirtiest game with me. My bike was missing and the same roomie also took my bike. At the peak level of frustration, I puched the wall in the parking and went back to my room, and slept for a while. By the time I woke up (9pm) I saw two misd calls on my cell. One of them was from a friend whom I was dying to talk to. So that’s where my anger again started building up. As my bike and my slippers were missing called my roomies and told them to bring a maggi for me. I was waiting for them for dinner and what I got was two parathas (just two.. “do se mera kya hoga”). I finished that up quickly, as I was again starving. My big fat stomach was still asking for more food. Called up the same couple which left just after the afternoon show and told them to bring food asap. Now, my mind was wandering like anything. I needed to do some time pass to end this inevitable anxiousness of eating food. So I swinged my arms back and reached out to my guitar, and this reminded me of the same guy who was bringing my food and also broke one of my guitar strings.. I went crazy after this… jumped twice , cursed him like anything and then again sat back on my laptop browsing some random stuff. Finally I had my dinner and the day ended.

Sunday, was as usual a lazy day. Again my chappals went missing. This time somebody else wore it. I just thought of letting it go didn’t have the energy to build up the agitation inside me. And somehow it was Monday and I was glad that I came to the office and life went back to normal