Monday, May 10, 2010

Which one is You?

This blog has been copied over from my dear friend subrata saharia. And the characters mentioned here are the 3 ingenious bastards of the trical branch (sapta, subrata and me).

So one more weekend..Times flying like hell..whatever...

The aforementioned characters are purely fictional and doesn't bear resemblance to anyone alive or dead...if someone finds it otherwise , its is a matter of pure coincidence.

How does a fresher spend his newly earned income..the feeling of being empowered to spend at will is really m listing down a few different kinds of spenders..i ve observed lately..

Mr Y gets up early in the morning so that he doesnot miss the breakfast for which he has already paid , even if that means compromising on his soon as he gets on the road , his face is gloom cast , as concerns of auto fare plagues his frugal mind, still he hires an auto nevertheless as he calculates that , hiring it with two of his other friends wont be that costly after all..

As soon as he reaches office he gets tortured by thoughts that his colleagues might get better hike nexxxt year...for which he remains insecure in office now itself...

He is not comfortable at learning things from others as he feels that might make him small ...he will pretend to know....and will try to learn on his own..(which is not a bad thing at all, but whats wrong if someone is willing to share his knowledge..)

At lunch even if the food is shit , he would eat his plate clean as his office has a monthly deduction on food....while returning back Mr Y would restrain from all attractions of fast food etc as he has paid for dinner already...and he has to wait starving till then...Calculations and again calculations...

Every time on an auto Mr Y would calculate how much he has to pay by dividing the fare amongst his friends...each cigarette he smokes...and each time he eats outside( which is a rarity ..)..he would maths out the expense to the last penny....if he conceives even a pence of mismatch he would feel betrayed..negative emotions ..flood his mind

Every coin has two sides..he would see only the dark side ..and inflict pain on himself..for such cheap atttitude..which he knows is cheap but by nature cant avoid..and cant express ..

His life has only one motive to save and save and again save...(for what, for whom..??...even he might not know..)
Mr X is another character who does his share of calculations for the month...and tries to live by it..he would avoid an auto whenever he can , but wont mind hiring it...

His life is not bound by the chains of cheap calculations and by the rules of money...he would eat, drink whatever he feels like....and wont eat if it sucks...even if money is deducted monthly for it...

While he loves to pay for his and his friends cigarettes, ..he ofcourse will mind if the other guy aint ever buying him one in return....

At work he concentrates on his work but remains aware of the competition which is at large at every corner...he will make sure to speak out if he finds himself being exploited...and knows the rules to get things done , adopting whatever is the best strategy..

His plans are in place for the future and he works towards acheiving those...Mr X is open to sharing knowledge and learning stuff from others...he knows his limitations...and knows what he can and what he cant...

Mr Z has a different view of life altogether...he lives for the present...calculations...wait!!..what calculations...?...theres nothing called that in his dictionary...he lives an utopian life where he is the king..bound by no concerns and worries..but not without responsibilities...which he knows and adheres to well...

He always prefers bus for him in his entire life...if he is with his friends , then they wont have to worry as all financial dealings will be borne by it fares or food or cigarettes...thats not a concern for him..(ofcourse...only if that is within his limits..)...he has a heart of gold...and wont mind otherwise.

He will accomplish all his desires ..and wont wait for the right time to come..if required he will plunge himself into the quick sand of credit card to meet his dreams..even if the expenses are far beyond his income...

He always relies on others to learn ..lazy...but has the potential to outshine anyone..

His friends rely on him they know he will never betray their trust..and he never does...

Ofcourse leading this kind of a life , he would see his share of problems which he tackles with shrewdness...whatever be the situation he will find a way out.....lucky ...the hand of unknown grace always lie on his head...he pets impulse..and he drives enthusiasm..positive feelings abound in him..


The competition is now between these three characters...who will win ultimately ?....who do u think will win..?...

And who do u think u are..? X ? Y? or Z?

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