Friday, November 26, 2010

The Handicapped

Amidst all the hurry burry and the pandorum of our (my) busy lives, watching a handicapped working among those who aren't definitely raises the eyebrows of all of us. The other day when I went to watch Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows for the 2nd time in Cinemax (night show) I saw a few deaf and dumb people serving at the counter in KFC. As me and my friends had already decided that we will be having our dinner in KFC (as it was the last resort at that hour) we went ahead to KFC. The sight which left me wondering about this fact was something which I observed among the people in the queue to place an order for their food. All the guys who were taking down the orders were deaf and dumb, but they were doing a fairly good job. But, the so called "normal" people weren't reacting in the same way. Some of them showed pity towards the people who were on the counters and others showed a wary and hasted attitude towards them. The stinking attitude on their faces clearly said that "What are these freaks doing among the normal people". Even in this dense crowd of highly paid, extravagant people there was a small girl who wanted to place her order of a kfc krusers. She went down to the counter and happily pointed out what she wanted. The guy at the counter asked her in sign-language whether she wanted 1 or more than that. The girl replied 1. And then he punched in the amount and showed it onto the screen, how much she needed to pay. She paid the money, took back the change and waited for her krusher. Moments after that she got her krusher greeted the other guy a thanks and left as happy as she would had been if there was a "normal" guy at the counter. I fail to understand why do people need to treat them in a special way. Why can't everybody think like the small girl in the queue. Whenever we see someone deaf and dumb or as a matter of fact any handicapped person, we tend to bring the pity thoughts in our mind "Oh! Poor him". There's always a glitch in almost all of our minds. We need to step into their shoes and think, how would they have felt after that treatment. Even they observe those eyes. That look which people give when you are not similar to the people around you, when you have something missing in your body. Those eyes impinge through their mind and body more than any physical thing can do. Trying to act normal is not what is required today. One must not have the thinking that they are different from what one is. We should be ready to accept that the other person is just one of us and is doing what he is expected to do and that too in a very efficient manner. Today we talk of youth power, and how the young generation is going to drive India. This is not something which is to be overlooked. If someone is retarted or handicapped its not their fault right?

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